The NWMO Provides Technical Update for Blind River and Elliot Lake

This image shows Derek Wilson presenting his update to members of the Elliot Lake Community Liaison Committee.

Derek Wilson of the NWMO is seen providing a technical update to the Elliot Lake CLC; he also shared an update with the Blind River CLC.

April 28, 2016

Elliot Lake / Blind River

This image shows Derek Wilson presenting his update to members of the Elliot Lake Community Liaison Committee.

Derek Wilson of the NWMO is seen providing a technical update to the Elliot Lake CLC; he also shared an update with the Blind River CLC.

Derek Wilson, the NWMO's Vice-President of Design and Construction, shared a technical update about Adaptive Phased Management (APM) at the Blind River and Elliot Lake Community Liaison Committee (CLC) meetings in April. His presentation highlighted the possible range of facilities that will be associated with the project.

"There is more to the APM Project than the deep geological repository," said Mr. Wilson. "Some of the associated activities, such as the Centre of Expertise, are planned to come online years before construction of the repository."

Mr. Wilson said once a preferred site is identified, the Centre of Expertise would be constructed to provide an opportunity to further develop and demonstrate the equipment and processes that would be used during the operation, and to provide support for detailed site characterization activities. The centre would also support environment and social research, and ongoing engagement efforts.

He also described the new container design for used nuclear fuel. Important features of the design are corrosion resistance, mechanical strength, ease of fabrication, capacity, and compatibility with surrounding sealing materials.

"A benefit of the new container design is the ability to be manufactured in the host community or surrounding region, depending on interest," he said. "The required materials and technology for the containers are readily available in Canada."

Mr. Wilson is scheduled to visit all community liaison committees involved in the site selection process over the next few months.

Description of a Deep Geological Repository and Centre of Expertise for Canada's Used Nuclear Fuel

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