The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) has released the latest update to our five-year strategic plan – Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2018 to 2022.
The plan outlines objectives and priorities as we continue to implement Canada’s plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel. The next five years will see us continue to narrow our focus as we work towards identifying a preferred site for the project.
The plan is a living document that is regularly assessed and strengthened with direction and guidance from communities, advances in science and technology, insight from Indigenous Knowledge, changes in societal values, and evolving public policy. The latest version includes a summary of public input the NWMO received after publishing a draft for public review in September 2017.
We welcome comments on the plan through July 20, 2018. Next year's implementation plan will be revised to reflect public comments received, alongside latest developments.
The NWMO summarizes our progress in annual reports, published every March. The latest, Moving towards partnership – Annual Report 2017, is also available.