The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) recently donated $10,000 to help outfit the newly renovated Lucknow Medical Centre with medical equipment, technology and furniture.
“It has been a pleasure working with the NWMO over the years through education and community involvement. Thank you for helping our community reach our goal with your generous donation towards the Lucknow Medical Centre,” said Huron-Kinloss Councillor Carl Sloetjes, who was on hand to accept the donation.
Earlier in 2019, the Lucknow Medical Centre Board initiated a project to renovate the medical centre to ensure continuation of care for many years to come. The renovations will improve the ability of two new physicians to deliver medical care and ensure the continuance of health-care services to the area. The completion of the renovation project was a key component in securing the commitment from these physicians to move to the community.
“Health care is important to every aspect of community sustainability and development,” says Paul Austin, NWMO Relationship Manager. “Supporting the clinic in Lucknow that provides care for patients in both Huron-Kinloss and South Bruce is something of which we are proud to be part.”
The NWMO was among a number of businesses and groups in the community that responded to the call of raising $150,000 for the Lucknow Medical Centre.