Our commitment

We are committed to safely managing Canada's used nuclear fuel over the long term. Our plan for doing this, known as Adaptive Phased Management, was developed in close collaboration with the public and specialists over a three-year period. It reflects goals and values expressed by Canadians.
    A photo of people touring the NWMO's facilities.


    The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) was established in 2002 by Canada’s nuclear electricity producers in accordance with the Nuclear Fuel Waste Act (NFWA). Operating on a not-for-profit basis under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, we are responsible for designing and implementing Canada’s plan for the long-term management of used nuclear fuel.
    Learn more
    Senior Environment Scientist conducting an experiment with students

    Vision, mission, values

    Our vision is the long-term management of Canada’s nuclear waste in a manner that safeguards people and respects the environment, now and in the future.
    Learn more

    Planning priorities

    Our commitment will unfold through various stages over many years. We have identified a series of priorities to guide us over the next five years.

    Planning priorities

    Additional documents

    Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2024-28

    Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2024-28

    This is the five-year strategic plan for the NWMO as we implement Canada’s plan for the safe, long-term management of used nuclear fuel.
    Annual report 2023

    Creating the future together

    Annual Report 2023

    Continue reading

    An icon of hands shaking


    Ethical and social framework
    An icon showing gears

    Who we are

    Code of Conduct and policies