Vision, mission, values
In 2024, the NWMO will undertake work to refresh our vision, mission and values to reflect the evolving nature of our work as we prepare to:
- Complete the site selection process for Canada’s plan for used nuclear fuel; and
- Develop a new site selection process for Canada’s plan for intermediate-level and non-fuel high-level radioactive waste.
Our vision is the long-term management of Canada’s nuclear waste in a manner that safeguards people and respects the environment, now and in the future.
The purpose of the NWMO is to develop and implement, collaboratively with Canadians, a management approach for the long-term care of Canada’s used nuclear fuel that is socially acceptable, technically sound, environmentally responsible and economically feasible. The NWMO is also responsible for implementing the plan for Canada's intermediate-level and non-fuel high-level radioactive waste.
Six fundamental values guide our work.