
We are committed to co-creating a shared future built on rights, equity and well-being for Indigenous peoples.

The NWMO is on a continuous learning pathway towards Reconciliation. As part of our commitment to Reconciliation, we recognize both the historic and current injustices Indigenous communities have endured. We continue to learn as an organization remaining involved in collaboration and discussion with Indigenous communities on the work of Reconciliation.


We know that working with Indigenous peoples, learning from Indigenous Knowledge and applying learnings to our work are critical to successfully implementing Canada's plan for the long-term management of used nuclear fuel.


An icon of a tree
An individual handing a blanket to an Indigenous Elder.


Indigenous engagement

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Water protection

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Land acknowledgement

The NWMO acknowledges that we have worked in many different Indigenous territories since the inception of the organization. We are grateful to the many Indigenous and municipal communities that have worked with us over the past 20 years.

Our Reconciliation journey

2025 Reconciliation Tree

Reconciliation report

La politique a été officialisée et bénie au cours d’une cérémonie autochtone de l’aube célébrée à King City, en Ont. Ont participé à cette cérémonie les membres de l’équipe de direction, du Conseil d’administration et du Conseil des aînés et des jeunes de la SGDN.

We reached an important milestone in our journey toward Reconciliation in 2022 when we published our first Reconciliation report. It provides an evaluation of our Reconciliation Policy’s impacts since its formalization in 2019. Activities tracked included mandatory staff Reconciliation training and continuous learning opportunities, informal training opportunities, staff support systems and community-driven work plans.

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Reconciliation Policy

The NWMO’s Jessica Perritt, Section Manager for Indigenous Knowledge and Reconciliation, and Bob Watts, Vice-President of Indigenous Relations, gather the sacred bundle at the ceremony formalizing the NWMO’s Reconciliation Policy.

On Oct. 17, 2019, through ceremony, the NWMO issued a Reconciliation Policy that sets out how the organization will contribute to Reconciliation. Under the policy, the NWMO commits to respectful and meaningful engagement with Indigenous peoples and communities, providing cultural awareness and Reconciliation training to staff and contractors, and annually publishing a Reconciliation implementation plan.

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Reconciliation Statement

Image shows six people participating in an Indigenous drum ceremony.

On July 18, 2018, the NWMO issued a Reconciliation Statement which reads as follows:

In the context of Reconciliation, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) recognizes historical wrongs in Canada’s past and the need to create a better future by addressing the challenges of today. The Council of Elders and Youth speaks of this journey as a new era for humanity — a time of Reconciliation with First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples. 

The NWMO is committed to contribute to Reconciliation in all our work by co-creating a shared future built on rights, equity and well-being. In addition, the NWMO will establish a Reconciliation policy with an implementation strategy that will be measured annually and publicly reported to contribute to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action.

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Screenshot of virtual meeting

Aligning with Indigenous Knowledge

Each year the NWMO holds an Indigenous Knowledge and Western Science Workshop with Indigenous Knowledge Holders, Elders, youth, scientists and industry professionals. The annual workshops are an opportunity to explore the intersections between Indigenous Knowledge and western science, including with respect to water, and how these two knowledge systems can be interwoven effectively and meaningfully in the NWMO’s work.
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NWMO hosts Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training

Indigenous engagement

The interests, concerns and counsel of Indigenous peoples have been an integral part of the NWMO's work from the start. Through our work with First Nation and Métis communities, we seek to understand how Canada's plan might benefit each region under consideration while being respectful of Indigenous treaty rights. We also seek to apply Indigenous Knowledge to both technical safety and community well-being aspects of the site selection process.
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Protecting the environment
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