Canada's plan

NWMO Releases Five-Year Strategic Plan

This image shows documents on a shelf

March 29, 2017

Toronto, Ont.

This image shows documents on a shelf
The NWMO has released its annual strategic plan Implementing Adaptive Phased Management 2017 to 2021. The document outlines key milestones for the next five-year planning period.

The strategic plan is a "living" document that is regularly assessed, strengthened and redirected to reflect new information, direction and guidance from communities, advances in science and technology, insight from Indigenous Knowledge, changes in societal values, and evolving public policy.

The release of the 2017 to 2021 plan follows release of a draft plan in summer 2016 for public comment. With the close of the review period, the plan has been revised to reflect comments received.

The NWMO summarizes its progress in annual reports, published every March. Every third year, we publish a triennial report, summarizing activities over the preceding three years. The latest report, Progress Through Collaboration – Triennial Report 2014 to 2016, is available online.

We invite all Canadians to stay involved in the our country's plan for the long-term management of used nuclear fuel. We welcome your comments and ideas as we continue to move forward.
About the NWMO

The Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) is a not-for-profit organization tasked with the safe, long-term management of Canada’s used nuclear fuel inside a deep geological repository, in a manner that protects people and the environment for generations to come.

Founded in 2002, the NWMO has been guided for more than 20 years by a dedicated team of world-class scientists, engineers and Indigenous Knowledge Holders that are developing innovative and collaborative solutions for nuclear waste management. Canada’s plan will only proceed in an area with informed and willing hosts, where the municipality, First Nation and Métis communities, and others in the area are working together to implement it. The NWMO plans to select a site in 2024, and two areas remain in our site selection process: the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation-Ignace area in northwestern Ontario and the Saugeen Ojibway Nation-South Bruce area in southern Ontario.

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